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Composite Bonding

Want to cover flaws in your smile such as gaps, chipped teeth and other imperfections? Ask us about our composite bonding treatment. Our team of skilled dentists can apply a naturally coloured resin to your teeth so you can enjoy that bright, white smile you deserve.
Composite bonding is a fast, effective and cost-effective treatment that can cover your tooth imperfections and boost your confidence.

What is composite bonding?

Composite bonding is a modern, pain-free technique that allows you to repair your cracked, chipped or discoloured teeth, replace silver fillings, close gaps, reshape your teeth and smile with confidence.

It involves bonding a naturally coloured tooth-coloured resin to your existing teeth without changing your natural teeth. Used for many years, it’s a popular cosmetic dental procedure because it’s almost indetectable, requires just one visit to your dentist and you can enjoy the results immediately.

What is the composite bonding procedure?

After being welcomed to our friendly, professional dental clinic, your dentist will invite you into the treatment room. They will discuss the procedure and answer any questions you may have.

When treatment starts, your dentist may give you a local anaesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding tissue. Then they will place a thin sheet of latex-free rubber over your mouth to keep your tooth dry and separate it from the rest of your teeth.

First, we will clean your tooth carefully, removing all decay, food debris and tartar then apply a special gel to roughen the surface of your tooth and ensure the strength of the bond.

Next, we will apply a bonding agent (a special type of dentistry glue) and set it using a concentrated beam of UV light. Your composite bond will be applied in layers and set using UV light to create the desired shape.

Finally, we will polish your tooth restoration to ensure it looks natural and beautiful.

Benefits of Composite Bonding
at Casa Dental

  • You’ll hide your tooth imperfections fast
  • It’s a pain-free, non-invasive treatment
  • You’ll feel more confident about your smile
  • It’s more affordable than crowns, veneers or orthodontics

Meet the team


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1. Is composite bonding right for me?
If you want to smile with confidence and conceal minor gaps, damage or fixed chapped, fractured or discoloured teeth, composite bonding could be an ideal solution. Contact us for your consultation appointment to learn more.
2. Does composite bonding hurt?
No. Composite bonding doesn’t hurt. This is because your dentist will usually only work on the surface of your tooth. If composite bonding is used to repair a cavity, you will be given a local anaesthetic.
3. How long does composite bonding last?
On average, composite bonding lasts around five years. It’s not permanent because it can break down, chip off, break or get stained faster than your natural teeth.
4. How much does composite bonding cost?
Composite bonding starts at £250 here at Casa Dental. Contact us for an accurate price based on your unique dental needs.

Casa Cosmetic Packages

Save on your treatment with our special packages, all available through our finance provider*, making it even easier to get your dream smile here at Casa.