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Dental Veneers

Looking for a permanent solution that can fix your smile, close gaps, hide imperfections and give you an instantly brighter smile fast? Find out about getting dental veneers at Casa Dental.

Here at Casa Dental, we know that having a smile you’re proud of can transform the way you look and feel. That’s why we only offer individually handcrafted porcelain dental veneers that can brighten your smile fast. Find out more about dental veneers in Derby today.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are a cosmetic dental procedure that covers your natural teeth to hide imperfections and give you a picture-perfect smile. They’re ideal for:

  • Concealing permanently stained teeth
  • Closing any gaps between your teeth
  • Straightening misaligned teeth
  • Making any damaged or broken teeth look more attractive
  • Fix uneven or misshapen teeth

They are made from high-quality porcelain and can conceal damaged, discoloured or uneven teeth but can provide longer-lasting results.

The dental veneer procedure involves removing a small amount of your natural tooth under local anaesthetic and then fitting individually handcrafted porcelain veneers to correct the appearance of your teeth and create a natural, healthy look.

Composite bonding is a cheaper alternative to veneers to give you the smile you have always wanted and more budget friendly.  Ask our team and find out which is right for you.

How are dental veneers fitted?

To enjoy a bright, confident smile, it’s important to find out what is the best solution for you. That’s why we ask you to have a consultation appointment with one of our dentists before having treatment.

Once we agree that dental veneers are right for you, they will take an impression of your teeth and then send them to the laboratory. There the technician will make a cast of your teeth using wax and supply us with a model of how your finished smile will look.

During your first appointment, your dentist will remove a thin layer of your tooth enamel (from the front of your teeth) to prepare for your perfect, custom-made veneers. You may also be fitted with temporary veneers to protect your teeth until your final appointment.

Then you’ll return to Casa Dental to have your porcelain dental veneers fitted into place. Your dentist will attach them to your teeth and adjust them as required so you look and feel fantastic.

Next, we will take an impression of your mouth, create your perfectly fitting, custom-made veneers and attach them to your teeth, adjusting as required so you can achieve a perfect smile.

How to look after your dental veneers

Your brand-new beautiful smile should last for several decades if taken care of properly. However, you must ensure you’re maintaining good oral hygiene including brushing and flossing twice per day and having your 6 monthly dental check-ups.

Also avoid habits that can damage your natural teeth such as opening bottle tops with your teeth, biting your nails and chewing pencils or pens.

Your dentist will provide you with in-detail aftercare advice when you’ve had your dental veneers fitted. Simply ask us if you need a recap or have a question. We’re always here to help.

Benefits of Dental Veneers
at Casa Dental

  • You’ll boost your self-esteem and feel more confident
  • You’ll fix imperfections such as chips, cracks and discolouration
  • You’ll have a lasting smile solution
  • Your smile will look and feel completely natural

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1. Are dental veneers permanent?
Dental veneers may last for decades if you care for them properly. It’s important to bear in mind that they are irreversible because they involve changing your natural teeth. Contact us for a consultation to ensure they are the right option for you.
2. Do veneers increase the risk of cavities?
No, dental veneers won’t increase your risk of decay because they are just like natural teeth. With the right care, they should last you for decades.
3. Will dental veneers stain?
No, your porcelain veneers should not stain or become discoloured because they are made from a different material than your natural teeth and are highly stain resistant.
4. Who are dental veneers suitable for?
It’s vital to get professional advice from your dentist before getting dental veneers. This ensures your mouth is free from cavities, gum disease or other problems that can influence your suitability for veneers. If they are not suitable for you, your dentist will suggest another solution.