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Getting a tooth removed can be stress-free and painless when you choose Casa Dental.

Has your dentist told you that you need a tooth removed? Perhaps you’ve broken a tooth, suffered from an infection or the decay is too advanced for a filling, crown or bridge? Our team of friendly, gentle and skilled dentists can put you at ease whilst providing the highest quality care.

What is a tooth extraction?

If your tooth is too damaged, infected or problematic to be saved, you will need to have it removed. Dentists call this a tooth extraction.

This includes cases where a filling, cap or crown will not be enough, you have damaged your teeth after an accident, you are suffering from gum disease or you have decay in one or more teeth.

Occasionally, you will need to have teeth removed due to overcrowding, wisdom teeth that cannot erupt or cause pain, or to create space for orthodontic treatment (braces).

What can I expect during my tooth extraction appointment?

When you come for a tooth extraction at Casa Dental, you’ll be welcomed by one of our friendly receptionists and then invited to take a seat.

When your dentist is ready, they will explain what you can expect during the appointment and answer any questions you may have. Then they will carry out an x-ray of your jaw to assess how easily your tooth or teeth can be removed.

If your tooth can be removed easily, your dentist will give you a local anaesthetic and wait until your mouth is numb. Then they will gently loosen the socket and then painlessly remove your tooth.

You may feel some discomfort or swelling for a few days after your tooth is removed. This is normal and can be managed easily with over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

In more difficult cases such as wisdom tooth removal, you may need to be referred to a Specialist Oral Surgeon.

Benefits of Extractions
at Casa Dental

  • Stop infections that could lead to blood poisoning if not treated
  • Eliminate pain and discomfort
  • Get a fresher, healthier mouth
  • Enjoy a more beautiful smile free from overcrowding

Meet the team


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1. Does a tooth extraction hurt?
No, it won’t hurt when you have a tooth out. That’s because we use local anaesthetics and numbing agents to help you feel comfortable. You may experience a strange sensation as the tooth is removed but this should not be painful.
2. How do I take care of my mouth after a tooth extraction?
After you have a tooth out, healing is your priority. You should rest, rinse your mouth using a salt solution and avoid alcohol and smoking. Keep the gauze in place for four hours afterwards and use painkillers if needed. You can brush and floss but avoid the place where you’ve had your tooth removed.
3. How long will it take for my mouth to heal after a tooth extraction?
It usually takes just two weeks for your mouth to heal after you’ve had a tooth out. Make sure you take care of your mouth as instructed by your dentist to ensure a smooth healing process.
4. How much does a tooth extraction cost?
At Casa Dental, treatment starts at £120 for a standard extraction. Get in touch with our team to find out more.