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Root Canal Treatment

Keep your natural teeth, get fresher breath and remove decay or infection with our painless root canal treatment at Casa Dental, Derby.
Infected tooth? Suffering from bad breath, pain, swelling, tenderness or even noticing discharge? You could have a problem with the root of your tooth.

Here at Casa Dental, we can fix the problem so you can keep your natural teeth and smile with pride.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment (endodontics) is a dental procedure that removes the infected or decayed soft part inside your tooth. The space is filled and then topped with a filling or crown.

This painless treatment saves your natural tooth and avoids further infections or abscesses.

You could need a root canal treatment if you have deep decay, severe gum disease, damaged or cracked teeth or your teeth are excessively worn down.

Signs that you need treatment include pain, swelling in the mouth, a bad taste in your mouth, tenderness of your gums, prolonged sensitivity or discharge on top of your tooth.

What to expect when getting root canal treatment

Visit Casa Dental for a root canal treatment and you will experience a friendly and painless experience that will help you restore your smile.

First, one of our friendly receptionists will welcome you to our dental clinic then your dentist will call you into the treatment room. Your dentist will take an x-ray (if they haven’t already done so) and then give you a local anaesthetic.

Then they’ll open your tooth and remove any infected pulp then apply a temporary filling and ask you to return for another appointment or apply your permanent filling or crown immediately.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
at Casa Dental

  • Save your natural teeth
  • Enjoy a healthier smile
  • Get rid of tooth pain and infection
  • Prevent further dental complications

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1. Why do I need root canal treatment?
If the inside of your tooth (the pulp) is damaged, you’ll need root canal treatment. This saves the tooth and helps prevent the need for extraction, implants or dental bridges.
2. Does root canal treatment hurt?
No, root canal treatments are no more painful than getting a dental filling. This is due to the use of local anaesthetics and technological advances.
3. How long does root canal treatment take?
Root canal treatments usually take more than two hours. However, if your problem is severe, you may need to return to the dentist for further treatments.
4. Is it cheaper to have my tooth removed?
We always recommend that you save your own teeth instead of having them removed, even though it can cost slightly more than having root canal treatment. This is because you’ll lose bone density, look older and need a dental implant if you have it extracted.