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Children’s Dentistry

Protect their precious teeth and gums whilst keeping cavities at bay with our fun and friendly children’s dental services at Casa Dental.

Your children deserve to have healthy teeth and feel comfortable visiting the dentist. That’s why our team at Casa Dental works hard to provide a relaxed and enjoyable service that puts kids and parents at ease whilst keeping cavities and oral problems at bay.

Your child’s first dental appointment: What to expect

Here at Casa Dental, we understand that coming for a first dental check-up can feel like a big deal to a child.

That’s why we ensure that their first appointment is relaxed and fun whilst we check their teeth, gums and tongue for signs of dental decay or gum disease before sharing tips on how to keep their mouths healthy.

During the first appointment, we will use a dental mirror to count teeth and look for signs of decay.

When your child feels more comfortable, we can carry out a more thorough examination, looking for cavities, checking the tongue, cheeks, lips, and throat, looking at jaw development and eventually how the teeth bite together.

We will also give you advice on brushing techniques and healthy eating and may suggest fluoride treatments or fissure sealants if necessary.

Children’s Dental Treatments

We offer a range of dental treatments for children including:

Benefits of Children’s Dentistry
at Casa Dental

  • Get your kids used to visiting the dentist
  • Teach your child the importance of taking care of their teeth
  • Make sure their teeth and mouth develop properly
  • Detect and treat dental problems early
  • Avoid tooth extraction

Meet the team


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1. When should I start brushing my child’s teeth?
We advise that you start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they emerge from the gums so they get used to doing it regularly. Use a baby toothbrush with a small smear of toothpaste.
2. When should my child have their first check-up at the dentist?
The UK government recommends that children get their first check-up at 6 months old.
3. What should I do if my child gets a toothache?
If your child gets a toothache, give them paracetamol for the pain, apply a cold compress if needed then call us for an emergency appointment.
4. How can I prepare my child for their first visit to the dentist?
When making your appointment, explain it’s for a child. Explain to them what to expect then bring their favourite toy to help them feel at ease.