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Routine Examination

Keep smiling with confidence and catch any dental problems before they get worse with regular check-ups at Casa Dental in Derby.

You deserve to have a healthy smile that’s free from cavities or other oral health issues. Getting a regular dental check-up is the first step to ensuring that you don’t suffer in the future.

Whether you’re anxious about visiting the dentist or feel comfortable in the chair, we have a friendly and professional service for you.

What is a dental examination?

Everyone wants to have healthy teeth and gums so they can smile with confidence, avoid pain and continue to enjoy their favourite foods. Having regular dental examinations can help you do just that.

When you visit Casa Dental for a check-up, we’ll check your tooth, gums and jaw joint, screen for oral cancer and provide advice on how to care for your oral health. If you need any treatment, we’ll explain what it is, why it’s important and what is involved.

You should visit your dentist for a routine examination twice per year, although in certain circumstances, we may advise you to come more often.

Need a check-up for your child? Visit our Children’s Dentistry page

What happens during a dental examination?

When you arrive for your check-up, you’ll be greeted by one of our friendly receptionists then asked to take a seat in our comfortable waiting room until your dentist is ready to see you.

Then you’ll be invited to take a seat and your dentist will ask if there have been any problems since your last dental check-up, take a note of any new medication you may be taking, offer additional support if you feel worried then start their examination.

They will

  • Check for early signs of decay or breakages
  • Check existing restorations
  • Look at your gums for early signs of gum disease
  • Examine your tongue, throat, cheeks & lips for signs of oral cancer
  • Examine jaw joint evaluation
  • Take an x-ray if you haven’t had one in the previous two years or they notice a problem

If your dentist finds any cavities or they feel that your oral hygiene needs to be improved, they will create a treatment plan explaining what needs to be done and how much it will cost. You can then make an appointment to have your treatment.

Occasionally, patients are referred to other dentists who specialise in the relevant fields of dentistry.

Feeling anxious about your check-up? Just ask us for help.

Benefits of Routine Examination
at Casa Dental

  • Smile with confidence
  • Identify cavities and other dental issues before they get worse
  • Learn how to take better care of your teeth and gums
  • Get your teeth professionally cleaned
  • Discover gum disease, infections, oral cancer or other dental issues

Meet the team


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1. How often should you get a check-up at the dentist?
We recommend that you have a routine dental examination at least every six months, or more frequently if required.
2. Do dental examinations hurt?
No. Dental check-ups shouldn’t hurt, although you may feel some pressure and sensitivity during the examination.
3. How can I prepare for my dental examination?
Before your check-up, it’s best to brush and floss before you get there. Tell your dentist about anything you’re worried about so we can help you feel at ease.